Friday, September 01, 2006

Grey Wallpaper is so Passe

As previously mentioned, I am a fan of the diverseness and variation that has been occurring in Forum this term (which is now halfway through). Tyrell's compositions suit computer games in my opinion and hopefully he can make a career out of it. I found the cycling through of the images slightly amusing, but it helped put the compositions in context. Although, I was not a fan of Poppi's wallpaper, experiencing some of her Audiovisual work was a highlight of the presentations. The name is fantastic, "The Autonomy Interviews". It reminds me of movie and book titles. E.g. "The Virgin Suicides", and "The Gemini Contenders". It has class. Josh's 'musique concrete' piece was one of the best presented so far by the first year students. The panning and the sounds used were impressive. Finally and possibly controversially Albert presented a jazz song that he recorded and produced. He played this piece because his hard drive 'cacked' itself (a familiar tale, hmmm) and subsequently could not play the intended work created as a part of the music tech course. I did like the bright electric guitar that emerged in the work.

Six weeks have passed, meaning I am into the last 12th of my Uni degree. I guess I'm kind of apprehensive about securing work relating to music technology, but I'm sure I'll probably write more about this later. Sound Design occurred on level 5 where 'shotgun mikes', Foley and ProTools were discussed. Some interesting points were raised relating to room size and rustle tracks. I don't know if anyone else shares this opinion, but while we were talking about footsteps and rustle tracks, I found it quite amusing to hear Ben Probert's squeaky shoes and jeans rustling as he intruded through our class. The discussion about our assessment, which I presume we will receive in the next couple of weeks has got me thinking. I definitely want to do the best I can, which will mean spending a lot of time on it, hopefully from the day I receive it.

Speaking of assessments, I was a little disappointed with my Audio Arts result. It is frustrating that we received one block of comments as opposed to separate comments for each song. I used separate techniques for my songs and don't know which song some of the comments apply to. Although, some of the comments reflect things that I already knew and needed more time prior to the deadline to sort out.

That is all for week 6. There will be more to come relating to SuperCollider.

Klose, Ashley. 2006. Sound Design(5). Tutorial presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, 31 August.

Whittington, Stephen. 2006. Forum Presentations. Presentations presented at the Electronic Music Unit, EMU Space, University of Adelaide, 31 August.

Albums that made this blog possible:
Sewed Soles by The Greenhornes.


At 11:43 am, Blogger @*} said...

BTW, if you are referring to my desktop image you are referring to someone else's art (i.e. that of an aquaintance) which I like!:P


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