//Global Variables
~thisPath = (PathName.new(Document.current.path)).pathOnly;// ~ tilda means global variable
//Buffer sounds
b = Buffer.read(s,~thisPath++"glass_cymbal.wav");
( //Mod Synth
SynthDef (
arg freq = 1000, //argument that can be sequenced
modBus = 30;
var mod;
mod = SinOsc.kr(
freq: freq,
phase: 1,
mul: 0.5
Out.kr(modBus, mod);
//Mod Synth2
SynthDef (
arg modBus = 31;
var mod;
mod = LFSaw.ar(
freq: LFSaw.kr(4, 0, 200, 400),
iphase: 0,
mul: 0.5
Out.kr(modBus, mod);
//Carrier Synth
SynthDef (
arg carrierFreq = 880, //argument that can be sequenced
iPhase = 0,
dur = 3, //argument that can be sequenced
legato = 2, //argument that can be sequenced
modBusIn = 30,
modBusIn2 = 31,
bus = 21;
var carrier,
//Input Busses
mod = In.kr(modBusIn, 1);
mod2 = In.kr(modBusIn2, 1);
carrier = LFTri.ar(
freq: carrierFreq,
iphase: iPhase,
mul: 1,
add: mod * mod2
env = carrier * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(
Out.ar(bus, env);
//1st Effect
SynthDef (
arg out = 0,
in = 21,
delayTime = 3.5, //argument that can be sequenced
bus = 21;
var audio,
//Input Bus
audio = In.ar([in, in], 1);
fx1 = CombN.ar(audio,
maxdelaytime: 5.0,
delaytime: delayTime,
decaytime: 5,
mul: 1,
add: audio
Out.ar(bus, fx1);
//2nd Effect
SynthDef (
arg out = 0,
in = 21,
filterRq = 0.8; //argument that can be sequenced
var audio,
//Input Bus
audio = In.ar([in, in], 1);
fx2 = RLPF.ar(
in: audio,
freq: 220,
rq: filterRq
Out.ar(0, fx2);
d = Synth.after(1,"ModSynth");
g = Synth.after(1, "ModSynth2");
e = Synth.after(1, "FX2");
f = Synth.after(1, "FX1");
( Pbind(
\instrument, "carrier",
\freq, Pfunc({rrand(800, 1000)}),
\dur, Pfunc({rrand(0.5, 7)}),
\legato, Prand(#[0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5], 8),
\delayTime, Prand(#[3.5, 0.2, 2.5, 5], 16),
\filterRq, Pseq(#[0.4, 0.1, 0.9, 0.6], 4)